How to make money as a teen

I'm trying to get a Nikon D5100 camera by the end of Summer. My first idea was to go door to door asking people if they need gardening done but apparently they don't need/want it done because I went to like 25 houses and didn't get one person to get me to weed, cut, or water their lawn.
How in the world could I get $760 by the end of summer? I have 10 weeks! My family will help me a little bit, I know that. I'm really good at the arts, especially performing (singing), song producing, and writing. I have tried the freelance writing sites but they barely pay you anything. I'm 13 years old.
Main question: How in the world can I earn $760 this summer as a 13 year old?

I love your ambition and I hope you never give up, because your dream is very possible! Beyond any suggestions I can give you, if you set your mind to it and keep your determination, you can work up the $760 by following some advice from typing "making money as a teenager" on google. Try that, good luck!

Sell things on eBay!

While spreading yourself to thin wouldn't get you anywhere, I would suggest having between 2-3 sources of money other than your parents. It's hard to make $760 from ONE source if you're not old enough to get a part/full-time job.
Like someone else suggested, use Ebay, and you might need to have your parents help you with this. is a good site to submit your writings to to make money. It won't make you rich, but if you work at it (I'll help of course!) you can make about $5-$10 a month. Those who actually write about things people want to read (instead of spam articles) can make up to $100 a month, but since you need $760 in 10 weeks, ebay is still your best bet.
I'm using Triond to save money for a sewing machine by the end of the summer. I'm 20, but I'm also pregnant and about to be in my third trimester so I'm not sure who is going to hire me. The sewing is something I hope to use to make a little money on the side (can make more than triond selling things I make, I'm sure) until I can get a job. I'm having my baby right after school starts, so hopefully this means high schoolers are going back to school and employers will be looking to hire!
If you already have enough songs produced, you could use ebay to sell your music. Could sell mp3's for a low price, or burn your own album to sell.
You also could use triond to showcase your writings and music, and maybe someone will pm you for a copy! Then you could offer to sell it! Though Triond isn't a place to offer things for sell in your articles, you can make it plain on your profile that you produce and sell music. Or some other means to catch other people's interest.
Also, if you ARE interested in selling your music, you might want to get a blog and start making friends and such, so that you can get yourself out there a bit.