Reviews on a Nikon d3000? (vs the d3100)?

I've been dying to get an SLR camera and peruse photography as a hobby. Yes I'm aware the d3100 is a better camera which i would rather have but it is also more money than i have/would like to spend. I have been looking into the d3000 and it has a lot of great reviews and also a lot of reviews saying to get the d3100. I know there's no video but i really don't think i would take many videos anyways. I also know there's no live view which is kind of annoying but i don't know how much that really matters?
I'm a freshman in college majoring in apparel design and i would like to be able to use the camera for photo shoots. Also, i love being outdoors and often go on hikes and trips to abandoned buildings and such that i would love to photograph.
Basically I just want to know if it is that important for me to save up for the d3100, or if the d3000 is fine for what i would use it for. And is there that much of a difference in image quality?
thanks for any help and i hope everyone has a great new year!

Very bluntly put, a D3000 does a lot less well in low light circumstances where you need to raise your ISO.
See how much a refurbished or used D90 or D3100 goes for.

If you will think it wisely, getting the Nikon D3100 is better than getting the Nikon D3000. Nikon D3100 has lot of quality and amazing features compared to D3000 and their price difference is immaterial when you consider how fast is the releasing of new models of digital cameras nowadays. Read the reviews of Nikon D3100 from and you might take my advise.