Where can I find some Nikon D3100 Reviews from experts?

I'm planning to buy this camera but I need some reviews for this model!
From experts would be the best!
Can someone help?

Amazon. It has user reviews.
Don't go for Expert Reviews. They are rich people who own expensive cameras and lenes. They don't like inexpensive cameras. You will be confused then.

in many instances, user reviews mean nothing, since they are novices who blame the camera for their own ineptness, therefore give it a 1 star rating.
It's a great entry level DSLR camera. If you are comfortable shooting with it, then you should be fine.

Easy question! I also have a D3100 and I love this model. One of the best models I ever had!
But I'm not a expert in the camera scene. Maybe this site will give you the information you need.
http://www.nikond3100reviews.com (how easy can it be J!)
If you need more information.it's also on the website!
Good Luck and I will hope you like this camera as much as I do!