Opinions on Nikon D3100?

I was looking online and this camera looked really good for me. This will be my first professional camera. I'm traveling and going a lot of places this summer and I really wanted to capture the moments. Just wondering your opinions on it and if you have any other recommendations?

It is an excellent camera.
The 18-55 mm lens that comes with the camera will allow you to shoot landscapes, group shots, full body shots and head an shoulder portraits.
For clarity, the D3100 is NOT a professional camera. It is an entry level camera
The professional Nikon Cameras are the Nikon D300, D300s, D3, D3s, D3x, D800 and D4.It you visit the Nikon website, you will see that those cameras are more robust than an entry level camera
By the time you have learned how to use a camera like the fine D3100, you will better be able to decide if you need a true professional camera

I think if you bought the D3100 you would be quite happy with it. But currently on the web, several stores and sites are selling the Nikon L310 (coolpix). I got mine for $117, including shipping, have since seen it for $99. I like it for several reasons. It uses 4, AA batteries, so no special batteries needed. I've taken about 100 pics, the bat indicator still says full. It is 21X zoom. Also has macro. I've taken several inside pics without the flash, just normal room light, all have come out nice. The controls are intuitive, easy to use. I have about 25 cameras, this is my 5th digital. It is a little bit smaller than the D3100, but not much. I considered buying another, haven't yet, I think it is a great value.

Here is an in depth review of the Nikon D3100.
You might want to consider its replacement.

It is a dSLR that offers all the controls you need to take a picture. At the same time, it is a bottom of the barrel model that offers limited control range and difficult to access controls at times. Nonetheless, if you know exactly what you are doing, you will surely get great pictures with it all the time. If you don't know photography, you will get the same quality of pictures you get when using a much cheaper camera.

As others have said, the D3100 is not a "professional" camera, but it is a great first DSLR. It has a good sensor and the standard Nikon 18-55mm kit lens is capable of producing excellent results.
If you can afford a little bit extra the D5100 has a much better LCD screen, both moveable and much higher resolution which is better when you are looking at your pictures. The D5100's sensor is one of the best around and is one of the best DX cameras for low-light high-ISO photography. The D5100 also has quite a lot of extra features that you would "grow into" as you develop your photography.
Having said that though it's worth re-iterating that the D3100 is a fine starter DSLR if you can't afford the extra cash for the D5100.