Opinions on Nikon D3000 camera?

I really like it, & am considering buying it. & I was wondering what you had to say about it?
Added (1). It looks like the only difference between the D3000 & D3100, is that the D3100 films HD movie. Which I really don't need.
Added (2). I do not need video at all

The D3100 is a much better camera and not that much more expensive

The D3000 does not do video at all.

Bit old model but if i you can get it cheap enough. I agree that the D3100 seems long term seen a better option. Even if you don't use HD video right now you might want it in the future. And HD video even on basic DSLR's is an added selling point when you resell it!
But quality wise.image quality of any DSLR these days is good. You need obviously a good lens on it.really you can use a basic DSLR put an expensive lens on it and get allot of image quality and performance out of it. With a basic kitlens it will be.well it is a kitlens. A kitlens is nice. But definitely you get what you pay for. And kitlenses are dirt cheap!
So yeah D3000 good option but the D3100 is not that far off and even if you don't use it right now.video is a pluspoint!