I want the Nikon D3100. Yor opinions?

I'm fifteen and I've always been interested in cameras and editing and photography. All that good stuff. Anyway, i've never really had a legit camera like a Nikon D3100. I came across it and all the other ones were really expensive. I was trying to keep the price range realistic in case i got it for christmas. What are your thoughts on this camera and what features do you like/ hate about it? I've read reviews and watched walkthroughs and stuff but they all said the same thing. Any help?

I believe it is a fine beginner's DSLR. What really, Really matters is what YOU will do with it.
You really need to learn about the camera and about photography in order to make the most of your new toy.
Forever staying on Auto would be a waste.

I just recommended this camera to some friends and thus far, they love it.
It is a great entry level camera that has the capacity to yield excellent results as long as the photographer knows what he or she is doing

Go for it. If I were to buy an entry level DSLR, this is the one I'd first consider. But you Must learn the camera its settings, etc. Also you must learn the basics of photography from a book at library or buy one. Leaving this camera on "auto", you will be wasting big bucks. Then might as well get a point and shoot type camera.

For your age, canon 550d is better because it has 720p at 60 fps which means you can produce slow motion videos, and even better if you used the plugin twixtor; type canon 550 twixtor in youtube and watch the awesome videos

The D3100 is a great DSLR, the best for price/performance right now. It's light, small and does the job. It's not like just because it's so cheap every 5th shot looks ugly, or that it falls apart after 2 weeks of usage. Remember, you take pictures, not the camera. Make sure to read the manual and practice.
Here's a DSLR Buying Guide - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/11/which-dslr-to-buy/