Opinions on Nikon D3000?

I have been interested in photography for a while and have a high-end nikon point-and-shoot.
i know shutter speed, ISO, F-Stop etc, and would like to know if the Nikon D3000 would be a good camera for me.

I'm a professional Photographer. The D3000 should be a good starting/learning camera to invite you into the Digital SLR world. The nice thing is, you can buy Nikon lens only once, and then use them with any nikon camera. So if you buy this camera, you will be able to replace it later if you want and not have to worry about buying all new lenses, etc.

Nikon D3000 is a great DSLR like all others out there.
You also have the Canon EOS XS and T3, both with some extra stuff or less than the D3000. My personal favorite is the XS as D3000 has no AF motor and no live view, but if you can pay enough, go with the T3!
And you can use all lenses on Canon or Pentax as well, it's not just Nikon (to the first answer).It's the point of DSLR cameras.
Here's a DSLR Buying Guide - http://www.the-dslr-photographer.com/2009/11/which-dslr-to-buy/

I'm not a professional photographer. (well, not often, I'm too busy with my day job which pays a lot better) just an experienced Nikon shooter who keeps an eye on Nikon's new products.
I'd advice against it unless the D3000 is already stretching your budget. It wasn't that bad a camera but it's successor, the D3100, is so much better that I'd advice anyone looking for a budget Nikon to see if they can afford this camera. It does a LOT better in low light situations and it's video function is quite decent too.