Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D40 not working right need some


On a climbing trip to Mt. Fuji my Nikon D40 worked amazing all the way to the top on the way down it started to rain, I quickly put the Camera in my water proof bag and climbed my way down. After i got home i emptied out my pack to find a cold and not wet, but kinda like condensation on the out side of the body i immediately took it apart wiped it down an let it dry over night while i recovered from my long day.woke up and turned on the camera to look at the pics i took but it won't let me view any thing from my memory card. The display turns on (a blinking? Indicating an error is flashing but my manual does not indicate what kind of error) and it seems to be working fine except that when i turn the camera on the flash pops up automatically when its on auto setting and can't get any of the function buttons to work. I can download pics to my computer, i can take new pics but can't view them by pressing the view button? Any help would be appreciated thank you from a novice camera owner just wondering if the altitude affected if or if the condensation like wetness destroyed it? Or if its something totally different, is it broken or what your thought were?

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

You made two major mistakes

1. You took it apart
2. You let it dry only over night

you NEED to go find some uncooked rice and leave the camera in there for at least a day, if not longer.


It sounds like it got too wet, it is possible to fix this sometimes depending on the damage, the best thing to do would be to take it to a camera store (independent ones are usually more helpful than big name chains) and ask them to give it a look over!

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

Mount Fuji is high but not that high. Condensation is normally not sufficient to wreck the camera. I think yiu may just have been very unlucky. Finish your trip and then start looking for a new one.