Nikon d3100 18-55mm or 18-105mm lens?

I take wildlife, nature, macro, and street photography.

The 18-55mm is an excellent lens when you're just getting started and is superb for street photography. The extra pulling power of the 18-105 isn't enough to justify the extra expense.

The 18-105 mm is not long enough to shoot wildlife (300 mm would be the minimum focal length for that - Look at the 55-300 or 70-300 mm lens for those shots)
Neither of those lenses are macro lenses (look at the 60 mm or 105 mm f/2.8 macro lenses)
The 18-55 mm is fine for shooting street photography

The 18-105mm lens is optically a better lens. Whether or not it is worth the extra is debatable.
Here is a simple test on the 18-105.
And the similar test on the 18-55. Notice that at 24mm and 35mm the lens is a bit soft in the corners:
- Which is better Nikon 18-55mm or 18-105mm lens?
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