Nikon D310 DSLR Vs Canon EOS Rebel T3 DSLR?

Nikon D3100 14.2-Megapixel DSLR Camera Vs Canon EOS Digital Rebel T3 12.2-Megapixel DSLR. I'm not sure which one to get. If you own either one or have any thoughts on them I would love to know more about both of them. Pros, Cons anything you have/know about them.

They're extremely close. Go to a shop, handle both, buy the one that feels best.

Indeed, they are very close, but the main differences are:
- D3100 has higher maximum ISO, slightly less noise
- Full HD vs HD video
- Manual controls vs no manual controls in video in the T3
- D3100 has 2 more AF points.
D3100 is really the best price/performance model out now, the only reason why one would go with the T3 is either because they've got Canon lenses or they really can't get a few extra bucks.
Here's a DSLR Buying Guide -
Good luck! Image quality is the same though, like on all DSLRs.

Sounds like you need help deciding which one. I'm thinking of purchasing my first SLR too, and I'm in the same situation. But I highly recommend the Nikon D5100, or the Cannon EOS Rebel with 18mega pixels.
What I did to decide which camera I would like, I went to a best buy, (since they have the cameras working) and feel them, and play around with them. It also depends on which grip fits your hand the best. (For me, the Nikon feels more snug,)
I do recommend going to a store in which you are going to buy your future camera, and talk to a bestbuy/camera worker, and talk to them on which camera they think is right for you.