Is the Nikon D3100 good for beginners?

So basically i have just gotten a lot into photography mainly because my best friend has DSLR camera and i use it a lot (she has the Canon 1100D. I think. Lol) And anyway i was just wondering if it is a good camera for people like me. Basically beginners. I'm 15 years old ( girl ) if that makes a difference ahaha.
I know it has 16.2 megapixels which is more than enough for me.
At first i thought about getting a Canon 550D but i thought about it and its kinda expensive: O ( Like £550)
So yeah.
I'm thinking of getting the NikonD3100 from Currys so could you please recommend a lense that i need to by to go with it: D
Just gonna mention again that i'm only a beginner so i don't need any fancy lenses.

It's an excellent camera for beginners! It's what's known as an entry level DSLR.
The lens that comes with the camera when you buy it with a kit lens is perfect for you. It's an 18-55mm F/3.5-5.8 VR. It's a good, versatile, all round lens that will do pretty much everything you want it to do.
Just make sure to learn how to use the manual controls on the camera (shutter speed, ISO, aperture) if you want to create really good looking photographs!

To be fair, you didn't compare the same level of cameras. You need to compare the Canon 1100D to the Nikon D3100; you'll find those prices comparable. If you like your friend's Canon 1100D, maybe that is the camera for you. But yes, the Nikon D3100 is good for beginners. The cameras will come with an 18-55mm kit lens, if you order it that way, which you should. That lens will take you far.