Nikon SLR Cameras

How to use use bulb mode (Nikon d5100) with wireless remote?


Hi! I'm a beginner in photography. I'm wondering how to keep the bulb mode open for long exposure using wireless remote. I'm using Phottix strato II. Is it possible to use it? It seems when I'm trying to use it for shutter release, it won't do long exposure. The first time I click it it would just automatically take pictures, and I thought it was supposed to keep the shutter open until I click it again. And when I tried to put it in another mode, the remote won't do anything. :'( Please help.


I do't know.



Set the cameras shutter speed to bulb.

Using the wireless remote, hold the shutter release down until you have taken the exposure you want.

With the Nikon ML-L3 (under $15) you would certainly have no issues with trying to use a third party remote shutter release.


Set the release mode to work with the remote. The point remote to sensor. First push of the button opens the shutter. The second one closes it. If you never push the button a second time, the shutter will close in 30 minutes.
These long exposures are normally followed by a noise reduction cycle. This is to subtract out hot pixels, not the usual chroma noise. Don't interrupt it.
They also drain the batteries a lot. Start with a full charge. Bring an extra.