Easy ways to make $500?
Okay so i want to buy a Nikon D3000
and i mean like work around the neighbourhood?
and it will be off amazon so like $450
A guy I met in Georgia in 2009 said he made $107, 000 selling 50, 000 items outside the Olympic games when it was down there, like 06 or something. He found 50.000 clear plastic boxes for like $100, baught a TON of peanuts and some hot glue sticks and gold spray paint.painted the peanuts, stood it up and glued them in the box and hand painted the Olympic logo and the year and place on the front and sold them outside the events for $2 ea. He made 107, 000 in a month. Now he owns like half of all the bilboards in Kansaas, GA, and LA and people pay him to put stuff on them. Smart guy.
An easy way to earn money would be to buy something from a place or person and sell it in another place or to another person (however you may have to take care if there's enough demand for that stuff).It takes the trouble out of manufacturing or working much on creating something. If you can tell what is the timeframe within which you want to buy that stuff, I may be able to give you a better answer
Check Craigslist under Financial Services.