How to make $500 dollars quick for a new camera

I'm 14, and i really want this nikon D3100, that's 600 dollars but i don't want to pay most of it cuz i feel bad spending al my money on a camera: P so what are some ways? Unique ways perferabley, thanks…

Babysitting, garage sales, sell your old camera on craig's list, offer tutoring services, get a lot of people who you can bet $20 over something of your choice.

What I did is put some left over change in my piggy bank and after 2 months I had up to $150 bucks. I tried saving up to my allowance as long as possible. Saving money from birthdays and holidays. Lemonade stand but kinda lame I only got $15 bucks. All this helped me raise up to $720 bucks in around 4-6 months. Baby sitting or selling stuff you don't want anymore. This will take some time you just have to wait.

Try talking to your parents… OR you could always get a camera that isn't a D3100… Remember, it isn't the equipment that makes the photographer, but the talent…
if you can't make great photos with a compact, then you are just wasting your money on something you might get bored with in a few months…
try the fuji f300exr, which is a great compact… Or the fuji hs10 for a great bridge camera…

" but i don't want to pay most of it cuz i feel bad spending al my money on a camera"
So you're fine spending other people's money on the camera then?
Alright, make a deal with your parents: "I'll save up to half of it to prove that i'm serious about the issue, and you support me with the other half then… Ok?"

If you're good at designing, submit designs to (a T shirt site) for $2500. Or just submit a slogan for $500 exactly. No joke!