What are some ways to make photography better?
I've read a lot of photography books and they all have advice to maximize your photo's appeal. Mostly they talk about the rule of thirds and editing it in Photoshop. HEY LOOK NOW I'M A PHOTOGRAPHER.
No, I'm thinking there's more to it than that… What are some ways you can make your photography more interesting? What kinds of edits do you do to your photos to make them look better(i.e.color correction, combine shots, filter effects, etc.)? Are there ways to find out what kind of niche you have in photography (macro, insects, animals, portraits, action, sports, etc.)?
I enjoy photography and have a Nikon D3000 for taking really good photographs, but I don't really know what to take pictures of, or how to take my every day stuff and make it interesting in a photo.
Also, what kind of things do you like to take pictures of, and how long, or how often do you go out to shoot? Do you have a favorite lens? At what distance do you usually take pictures from? Do you have a gallery (and if so can you link it)?
Also, if you do edit in photoshop, what are some quick ways that you can make a good picture to a great picture (something a little better than "Instagram")?
You can start by adding a story to the picture and also if you want more detail you need better or perfect lighting this will maximize the effect and ability of the camera so you will also be using it as it is meant! Also as you said use photoshop but this is very un profetionel! Most of the top 10 photographers don't photo shop!
Photography is really about controlling your camera. I'm currently studying Photoimaging and there's so much more to photography then people think, you should play around with the different settings and try shooting photos using the manual (M) setting on the dial, that was you can control absolutely everything the camera does. And if you want to take everyday items and make them more exciting, play around with different angles and perspectives, and also your lighting. Light is a major part in making a good photo. And really all you can do in Photoshoot is what you think looks good, everyone likes different styles so you should go with what you think looks good.
The important thing is to learn how to use your camera properly, learn the basics of photography, don't constantly ask for adoration from others, and enjoy what you do…
live, learn, evolve…
Even after learning all the tricks of the camera and photoshop, you would still be short of ' HEY LOOK NOW I'M A PHOTOGRAPHER.'
For that, one has to get into the aspects of Visual art. It is this component that separates the technicians from the artists.