Computer Software for editing pictures with nikon cameras?

I have just purchased a nikon d3100 and i'm unsure of what the best editing program may be for this type of camera. I would like to be able to retouch details on my photos such as teeth whitening and not just change the contrast.

Photo software is NOT camera specific.
If you are a shooter, you will need Adobe Lightroom
If you intend to become a retoucher, then you will need Adobe Photoshop.

Photoshop is the gold standard for editing. GIMP is very powerful and free, but less intuitive.
Here is a good article on alternatives:, 2817, 2371593, 00.asp

The type of camera you're using has no bearing on the software you use. The industry standard is Photoshop. If you don't want to spend that much, look at Photoshop Elements (about $100) or GIMP (free).

It's very easy to use and gives professional results. Also they're giving their premium features away for free for a limited time.
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