Canon Eos Rebel T3 or Nikon D5100?

What has the better quality picture and which one is the better buy? Which company is better? Please help. I want to get into photography and I want a camera that takes pretty good pictures.

I would go with the T3, however this isn't exactly a great camera, neither are. Canon makes better cameras while Nikon makes better lens. I personally prefer canon and own the 5d mk3, 60D, and rebel xsi

The Nikon.
Not only does it have better image quality, it's better made as well. Canon's aren't bad cameras, but Nikon's just feel sturdier and I've seen data that suggests they have lower failure rates as well.

Its all about personnal brand is not better than the other. The results from each will be very similar. Just research which one you can get for cheaper.

In terms of picture quality, Nikon D5100.
It comes down to personal preference though.