Can nikon d90 do time lapse?

I heard that you need some kind of remote what would be its price. Any idea

Yes and no… A time lapse is where a long amount of video footage has been sped up to see xxx amount of hours of footage in a minute or 2. The problem with the D90 is that it only does 5 minutes at a time so your timelapse would be extremely short… You also don't need a remote, just a tripod ($35 at target or walmart… )

You can't do time lapse with a D90 by itself. The first answerer mentioned taking video and speeding it up but I assume you actually want to do time lapse photography - i.e. Take a picture every X seconds and then put those pictures together to create a video.
If you want to do time lapse photography with the D90 you need to use the following product: This will allow you to take a photo anywhere from every second to every 99 hours and you can then repeat that cycle up to 99 times.
One other way to do time lapses is to use the MC-DC2 - go to your camera's menu - then go Shooting/Display ---> CL Mode Shooting Speed ---> Set this to 1 FPS. Then set the camera to take multiple pics the (L) setting on top. Then take a pic withe the MC-DC2 and set it to lock. This will take a pic once per sec until your memory card is full. The obvious disadvantage to this is that you have to take a pic every second - you can't set it take pics at a slower frame rate. But the MC-DC2 is only $23 compared to $119 for the Satechi LCD Timer.
Anyway, hope that helps and good luck!