Best Water Sports Lens (es) for Nikon D40X?

I'm looking for a good quality lens at a decent price (less than $200) for shooting photos of swim and water polo events. What lens(es) would you suggest for me? I currently have the following:
Tamron-F Zoom Macro 1:45 f=85~210mm (older lens from a 35mm film camera)
AF-S DX Nikkor ED 55-200mm 1:4-5.6G
Tamron-F 1:28 f=28mm (older lens from a 35mm film camera)
Nikkor 50mm 1:18 (I believe this is an older "kit" lens from a 35mm film camera)
Am I OK with these lenses, or should I look for a different lens (or an AF-S version of an existing lens) for shooting water sport pictures?
Side note: I don't really mind that most of my current lenses don't auto-focus, and wouldn't mind if my future lenses didn't, either. But which option (AF or non-AF) is best for this kind of photography?

Looks like you are missing some decimal points, e.g., Nikkor 50mm 1:18 should be 1:1.8.
Most swim events I've been to are well lit, some outdoors and the others in natatoriums, so the zoom lenses should be OK. If you need faster shutter speeds, you will need the faster fixed focal length lenses, but then will need to be closer to the action.
An alternative is to rent one of the expensive fast lenses like the AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED.
I would prefer the AF just because sometimes you don't have time to manual focus.