Any help on setting up a wireless remote to a DSLR Nikon D50 camera?

I just bought a Digipower DSLR Wireless Remote for Nikon. I have a Nikon D50. I'm clueless as to what to do now because I've gone through all the settings on my camera.

You may need to return the remote
Your camera is designed to use the Nikon ML-L3 wireless remote, less than $20. What did you pay for the Digipower wireless remote? Saving a few Dollars on an accessory can be frustrating as you have noticed

Unlike Photoace, I have never had any problem getting those $2 knock-off remotes to work.
I never owned the D50, but have owned the D70, D90. And now own the D7100, and typically, you must use the shutter mode setting to set the camera to the IR position to use the remote. You will have to check your manual to know for sure where this control is, but usually you depress a button and rotate one of the command dials. It should be the same control that you set the shutter from single to continuous.
And the IR remote receiver on some cameras may be on the back only, and some are on the front only, while on other cameras there's a receiver on both the front and back of the camera. This is important as the IR transmitter is line-of-sight only, so if the sensor is on the back, and your are pointing the remote to the camera front, it won't work.

Go back to the store you bought the remote and ask them to help you out.
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