Nikon SLR Cameras

Do you prefer Nikon or canon? - 1

Dan Thomas
Dan Thomas

P.s. I don't even care about your opinions because I'm a Jew

the mouth
the mouth

Canon because they (DSLR's) feel stronger and less fragile.

.O wait? You're a jew? Nevermind then.

Alan B
Alan B



The reason for submitting a question is because the submitter "cares" about an answer. I don't see what your ethnic origin has to do with the question.

NOW to your question! I prefer Canon because that is what I have used all my life until now! I recently reentered the DSLR market. BUT I choose the Pentax Kx ( Kx discontinued.Kr is the replacement).
I like several things about the Pentax. First it is easier for me to see thru. The viewfinder is the least cluttered! The stabilization feature is in the camera body not in each lens as Canon & Nikon are! This makes lenses a better price on the Pentax. The best outfit for a beginner or even a season user like myself is the camera with the standard zoom lens and a 50-200mm lens. Buy the kit form it is cheaper and better suited to DSLR photography.


Neither, I'm a Pentax man until the day I die.

(And I have to respect your opinion because I'm Church of Scotland. )


Personally I prefer Canon's EOS system of cameras, lenses and flashguns, it's because in my mind it feels logical to use (for someone else it may seem totally illogical), and because I can buy full frame cameras cheaply and use old lenses on an EOS better than I could on a Nikon.

That said I'm not rubbishing Nikon one bit. Their cameras are superb, and to another person it may be exactly what they're looking for. For example, I can see the appeal of the D700 (specifically the D700, and not the D800), because of it's amazing full frame sensor, and it's backwards compatibility (to me a digital successor to the F6), it's just not what I need.

I've waffled on about the F6 and the D700 because I wanted show you how subjective the answer becomes when you ask about preference. If you asked simply which is better, Canon or Nikon, the answer is neither. You have to go and pick the SYSTEM you prefer (not just the camera, but the lenses and accessories you can buy for it).


For what purpose?

Which system has almost all the features you need to complete your assignments?

Since the introduction of the Nikon D3 during the China Olympics, it has become the camera of choice for those who shoot sports under low light conditions or are editorial photographers. Its sensor performance under low light conditions is only surpassed by the Nikon D3s.

Here is a sample shot with an old D3 at 25, 600 ISO

Little or no noise in the shadow area is what makes it the choice of so many professionals who own their own equipment.

The two new Nikon dSLR's, the D800 and D4 have an added value of being able to shoot uncompressed video, sort of the RAW version of video. While it is not a 4K video machine, it may prove to finally make a dSLR into a viable video making camera

Jew Hunter
Jew Hunter

How about you tell me about your area that you live so we can meet up. I can treat you to a nice shower on the house at my day spa for Jews. Also if any of your family want to come, bring them along to!


I really am a Jew and I use Sony. I started with a Konica Minolta in high school, shot Canon for awhile but when Sony came out with the SLTs I was hooked.


The FRO knows Nikon…