Nikon SLR Cameras

Can i buy a camera (nikon) from US if i live in UK?


The camera i want (nikon ds3200 red) online in the USA, when converted are like £100 cheaper than the average uk price, plus reds not yet available in UK.

*will the voltage of the charger be too much for the camera to take?
am i able to simply buy another charger? Like will a british one fit in the same slot?
is there any difference?
is it even legal? If not i'm sure i can get around it.
will a warentee, be binding if its from a different country, say if i bought it on amazon or something, or could i buy a guarentee seperatly from the nikon site, this isn't a big concern because iv owned a nikon before and there pretty darn sturdy.
*Will i be able to use the Wi-Fi on there?
Are there key features that might not work in the UK?

also would these answers apply to all countries, because i've heard the cameras are pretty cheap in denmark.


Hardware part is ditto, UK / US or anyplace else
Charger plug maybe shaped different & adapters are easily & cheaply available

US warranty will not be valid in UK

You need to pay VAT on arrival in UK

Now does that sound that attractive anymore


2 words of caution


Importing a camera of that value will require you to pay duty - roughly equivalent to VAT so 20%. Check with HMRC for an accurate answer.

The charger will be multi-voltage but you will need to buy a UK lead.
Other than that the camera will work fine.


The camera itself is the same wherever you buy it. You can buy anywhere but be aware of certain complications. The charger is usually auto-volt and will work anywhere on Earth but to be sure, check the voltage requirements printed on the charger itself. If it's different all you need is a transformer to get the right voltage to your charger. It rarely happens nowadays.

Nikon has a very strict distributor area designation. The warranty that will come with the camera from the US will not be valid in the UK. If your camera will have some problems and will require servicing, you can try any authorized Nikon service center but they will inform you that you are last priority since your camera is considered a gray unit (out of their designated area) f ever they will accept your camera (in which case, you will be charged more than normal). If you are thinking about international warranty it only means that you are responsible for shipping your camera abroad to wherever their international service center is and wait weeks or months before your camera returns. As far as the trip back is concerned, Nikon will shoulder that. Take note that this will apply whether your camera is indeed still in warranty or not.

I highly recommend you get the camera from the nearest store near you. You may still face problems if you decide to get from a city hundreds of kilometers away from you. The best place to buy a Nikon is from where you are.