Can I connect Nikon D3200 to wirecast for live video feed without using blackmagic design or any video capture cards?

I have a Nikon Dslr D3200 and I want to broadcast it on Wirecast live. Black Magic design or any Video Capture cards is too expensive for me. Can I connect my dslr to wirecast using usb connector or hdmi directly to the pc and through the capture devices in Wirecast?

USB won't work. The HDMI port on your computer is for AV-out (not in) to a monitor or recorder.
If all we have to work with is your D3200 and a stock computer with no video capture card, then what you want to do is not possible.
While we're here, please read your dSLR's manual.
Assuming you are not recording the video with the D3200, you still need to understand that using a device designed for still image capture for something it is not designed to do (in this case, be a video device - and video is a secondary convenience feature).
Page 140 tells us about the "Auto off timer". This is for battery power conservation. We assume your "Livecast" will be longer than 1 minute (longest duration for the "Standby timer". If you want to use Live View (20 minutes), then you'll need to worry about overheating and shutdown.
Live View starts on page 80. The part that concerns your project is on page 86. Because the internal camera temperature depends on the ambient temperature, there's no indicator in the manual on how long it takes to overheat. Typically, that happens withing about 20 minutes… And plan on another 15 minutes to cool down enough to use again.
What you want to do is possible - with the right investment (and a Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle or similar device is the right way to go).
Camcorders are designed for video capture and do not have these limitations - but what you want to do is use a still image capture device as a "studio camera". This is the rough equivalent of using a Prius to haul dirt when a pick-up truck a much better idea…

I think it is no. You can find some camera accessory not so expensive as blackmagic

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