Nikon SLR Cameras

Which i should buy nikon or canon?


Sir i'm a starter in photograhy i would like to buy a DSLR camera which camera i should buy nikon or canon but need to zoom to please suggest a good lense

Added (1). And a good model i have a budget of Rs30000


I think you should buy a cannon. I have owned a cannon for 6 years now and it has never let me down (durability and clarity of pictures) I hope this helps.


First off, you need to start out with a budget
This way your choice gets automatically restricted

Do some homework or a side by side comparison
Then go your local camera store & check them out side by side, handling each of these
It is you who is going to be using that camera & you need to make that choice
All DSLR's operate similarly, just a few features here and there

Zoom is a function of the lens
For now restrict yourself to the 18-55mm kit lens
Once you are familiar with your gear and captures, you will know which lens you are lacking

Stop restricting yourself to Nikon & Canon… Sony, Pentax, Olympus…


Nikon & Canon both are good. But, i suggest you to buy a canon camera.


Anyone who can't spell, 'Canon,' is incapable of an informed opinion.

I'd buy Pentax for stills and Sony for video, but your local dealer is your friend here.