Which is better a Canon or a Nikon? And which model should I look for?

I had a regular cool pix digital camera but the battery holder broke. Now I'm in search for a new camera but i would like a professional type camera. I have heard a lot about these two makers. What should i do. This will be my first pro one too. So any help is greatly appreciated.

Those 'professional type' cameras are called DSLRs. Since you are just starting out, you will want to look for the entry-level models like the Nikon D3100 and Canon Rebel T3. They cost around $600-$650.
To decide which one is really best for you, I would suggest heading down to a nearby camera/electronic store and trying them out for yourself. See which one fits more comfortably in your hands, which one has more convenient button placement, an easy-to-navigate menu, etc.

With dSLRs, they are the same. With point-and-shoot models The Powershot is easier to use and built better than the Coolpix. If you want the technological prowess of the Nikon brand on a point-and-shoot camera, get a Sony Cybershot. It's also easy to use by the way.

Go to the store and ask them for lower end models unless you want like a semi pro nikon d700 or canon 7d. After that try asking the sales person if you can take a couple of shots with both cameras. Pick which one feels better in your hands and also has a better button format for you. I chose a nikon because it has two sub-command dials to switch the aperture and shutter speed (something you will learn very soon) and that was very important for me. Also Nikon's shutter sound sounds a little more normal compared to Canon's which kind of sounds electronic.
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