Which DSLR camera I should buy? NIKON? CANON OR SONY?

I need a very good camera and user friendly too, can someone enlighten me which of the above DSLR I should buy?
Added (1). Thanks all for your sharing, really appreciated! Well I'm a beginner and never use DSLR before except those simple digital camera. Wanted to have nice camera for good picture taking so someone recommended for DSLR with those mentioned Brand! But I sincerely do not know what is the best one I should get, so i need your input really badly.

You can't pick one based on brand. All three have different models of different price, skill, and feature ranges. If you can't be bothered to do at least that amount of research, you have no need for a DLSR.

If you are a beginner i recommened either the Nikon d3000 or the Canon 1000d

You need to ask yourself a few questions first. What are you going to do with it? Also, which lenses are you going to use?
Don't get the Nikon D3000 - get the D3100 if you buy a Nikon. All of these companies make nice cameras but Nikon and Canon are the industry leaders with a vast assortment of lenses available for all kinds of uses.
As for me if I were going to buy a DSLR this very day I would get a Nikon D7000 with the 18-200mm zoom lens but I'm not a beginner and this camera does have a bit of a "learning curve" if you wanted to just set it on "Auto" mode you can do that too but then you would not be taking advantage of the cameras power. If I had the budget I would get a Nikon D3X but that is an advanced and very expensive camera.

And now I've thrown that spanner in the works I'll say this, you can't really pick a camera based on brand. You need to look at features of individual models within your budget and make your selection from there.

The one that is within your budget (don't forget to budget for another lens) and you like in your hands. It is that simple.

Pentax, Nikon, Sony, or Canon are all great brands and not different enough from each other on the low end to sweat it. My personal pick would be a Nikon D3100 but others will recommend a Sony a390. Go to your local camera store and try all 4 brands and get the one you like best…
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