Nikon SLR Cameras

I'm going to buy a new camera. Which one should I go for? The Nikon or Canon DSLR?


I'm keen on the Nikon ones so which one would you recommend out of these? I will be taking pictures for a magazine so it has to be that kind of a great quality. If I decide to buy the Nikon, what lenses would you recommend? I don't think the Canon lenses are compatible with the Nikon camera (or are they?). I'm not averse to buying a Canon camera so it'd be great if you could recommend one from that brand too.

Lastly, just to reiterate, I need to take pictures for a travel magazine so the pictures have to be sharp and of superb quality. Also, the Canon 50 mm f 1.8 lens was a favourite (when I was using a Canon camera)… Does the Nikon have a good equivalent lens?


I personally think that the canons have better quality. But if you put a picture of the same thing next to each other they would look about the same. They have a new camera called the canon 60d and it is very popular. It is a bit more professional and has some more features then most of the nikons. I don't think that the lenses would fit from a nikon camera but you can try!


Pretty much every lens that nikon has, Canon has, and vice versa. Both of the companies are pretty much the same in terms of quality. What it really comes down to is which camera you feel more comfortable using. Look for one that is in budget with the features you want.

as for the 50mm, that is a standard favorite lens among pretty much all photographers. The Nikon 50mm f/1.8G or D lens