Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D7100 continuous shooting?


I want to do a timelapse of the night sky. So I put my D7100 out there with settings:
30 seconds, f1.8, 18mm, iso 400, continuous shooting.
I then attach my cable trigger, press the button down and lock it.
This works fine for 100 photos, but Nikon's D7100 has a 100 photo limit. My timelapse is only 4 seconds with 100 photos. How can I make it go for longer? I've tried the built in interval meter but it's buggy sometimes and locks up the camera.


Time lapse requires you use an interval timer, NOT continuous shooting

Your camera has a built-in interval timer so you are going to have to use it, NOT a remote shutter release

Look on page 145 in your user manual

The built-in interval timer is NOT buggy. You just have to learn how to use it.

The only time it will "lock up" is when you tell it to do something that is physically impossible, like take four frames a second at a shutter speed of 30 seconds. NOT possible