Nikon SLR Cameras

In a pie graph, canon cameras = 28%, Nikon = 24%, Sony = x%, and Kodak = 37%?

Js Duran
Js Duran

The number of Nikon cameras sold was 720. If 40% of the customers who purchases a Canon camera had purchased a Sony camera instead, what would have been the positive difference between the number of Sony cameras and Kodak cameras sold?

A) 330
B) 336
C) 444
D) 666
E) 1110


You can't really answer this question because you don't have enough information. You don't know if any other brands were sold and you don't know if there was only one purchase per customer.

If you assume one purchase per customer and the listed brands were the only ones sold then
The total number of sales were 3000 since.24*total = 720 and 720/.24 = 3000
That means
Nikon had 720 sales
Cannon had 840 sales and
Kodak had 1110 sales
That leaves 330 cameras for Sony to give a total of 3000

If 40% of Cannon sales had actually been Sony then Cannon would have sold 336 fewer giving 504 and Sony would have sold 336 more giving 666 so the difference is sales between Sony and Kodak would have been 1110 - 666 = 444 or answer C.

Mike G
Mike G

Total cameras sold = 720/0.24 = 3000
Canon = 840
Nikon = 720
Sony = 330
Kodak = 1110
0.4*840 = 336 switch to Sony
Canon = 504
Nikon = 720
Sony = 666
Kodak = 1110
Kodak - Sony = 444


Hello Js Duran:

NT = total cameras sold

NT = NCANON / FRACCANON = 720/ 0.40 = 3000 total cameras sold

NCANON = 840
NIKON = 720
NKODAK = 1110
NSONY = 330

NSONY* = ( 0.40 )( NCANON) = ( 0.40 ) ( 840 ) = 336 more Sony sold

NSONYTOT* = 336 + 330 = 666 SONY sold

NKODAK - NSONYTOT* = 1110 - 666 = 444 difference for cameras sold <---

C) is correct answer <