Nikon SLR Cameras

How Long Does the Nikon D3200 Battery, last?


I'm wondering how long this battery lasts because it kind of runs out quickly. Is there any way I can change this?


As page 205 of your manual says, it varies, a lot. The page also explains how you can change it.


The primary usage of the battery comes from the LCD screen. If you can minimize the time that the LCD is on, you'll get a corresponding saving in battery power.


AlCapone already said it but I'm just chiming in as another voice, do not use the LCD much to shoot. If you shot through the optical you will get much better battery life. In my experience having the LCD on all the time I only get a little over an hour of shooting, if that, on my Canon T3i, which is similar to the D3200.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

It tells you in the owners manual.


Look on page 205 of your manual. Using the view finder to compose your image, you should be able to get over 1000 shots per charge. If you use live view (composing your shots on the LCD screen), then perhaps a few hundred shots. The trick is to minimize the use of the LCD screen. If you're in to the habit of incessantly reviewing/admiring your images, this will cut down on your battery life. When I shoot, I minimize the amount of time that I review the image just after the shot by pressing the shutter release half way. Doing that will shut down the LCD display.

Another way to conserve battery power is turn off VR on the lens. If your shutter speed is fast enough and you use proper camera holding techniques, you don't need VR.

BTW, the CIPA standard shown in the manual isn't a realistic guideline unless you use the built in flash frequently.


How long? Well, Nikon publishes that the D3200 will shoot 580 shots, but that is not real-life numbers. It all depends upon how you shoot. Do you chimp after each and every shot? Do you use the viewfinder or always use the LCD screen? Do you shoot video?

All of these factors will greatly impact the life of the battery. If you find that you do use the LCD screen a lot, you constantly chimp and take a lot of videos, then you have to get a few spare batteries.

Ambient temperature will have a huge impact on battery life. Too cold and your battery will die much sooner. Constantly too hot and the battery's life will be greatly diminished.

Expect to get 3-5 years of life out of a rechargeable LiOn battery.


A lot longer if you use the viewfinder - surely the reason you bought a DSLR in the first place.


It depends on how much you keep the LCD on. How to make it last longer? Stop showing off pictures from the camera to your friends. Do it in the computer and the internet instead.