Nikon SLR Cameras

What type of nikon lens would be good for taking pictures of trading cards?


I have a nikon D50 camera and i take pictures of trading cards to sell them on ebay, i just want to know what type of lens would work best for something like that, thank you.


Probably a Micro-Nikkor (Nikon's name for macro lenses), but you could save money looking at what Sigma and Tamron have to offer.

If you want autofocus, you'll need an AF-S Nikkor or an HSM Sigma, I don't know offhand what Tamron call their motorised lenses.


The 18-55mm kit lens would be perfect. Lighting is the most important item.

A better way is using a flat bed scanner.

John P
John P

I assume the cards are small, say smaller then a normal postcard, maybe a bit bigger than a credit card. If the are that small then a macro lens (Micro-Nikkor) is ideal. Probably the 'kit zoom' of 18 to 55mm will not focus close enough.