What should I charge for a photo shoot?

I'm not a professional, but I recently took portraits for my family (aunt, uncle, and cousins) and I really enjoyed it AND the pictures came out well. My parents suggested I offer to do so for friends and other relatives, but we have no idea how much to charge. I use a Nikon D5100 and am very passionate about photography.

What would they be willing to pay you, based on your product?

Some people I know do this, they charge £10 per person, and normally do group photos of friends.
an example

Nothing. I'm serious. I don't think you should be charging anybody for photos until you have a lot of experience and a nice collection of portraits. I wouldn't charge somebody for a photo shoot just because I feel like they're doing me a favor giving me practice. That's just my opinion, take it for what it is.

I'm with Rizzles on this one.
You are not a professional. You have only done a couple portraits that only you and your family liked. That does not mean you are ready for accepting money for photo sessions. Odds are you are shooting on auto and have no idea how to work with tricky lighting situations or how to use an off camera flash unit.
If you are as passionate as you claim to be then do the shots for free to get experience and build up your portfolio. Use that time to learn all about posing, lighting, composition, shooting in manual, and even the business of photography. When you're ready in let's say 3-5 years THEN you consider charging. Until then, do it for free.