How much do I charge for this photo shoot?

I'm a high school student going into photography and someone wants me to have a photo session with her and six of her friends. We would probably go out in NYC, which isn't too far away. How much do I charge for that? Do I charge per hour? I have a Nikon D5100 and Photoshop so I would edit the photos as well. I would probably end up giving them the photos on a CD.


Have you called a professional photographer and asked their rates? May as well be competitive!

When I first started out I charged $25 dollars a session, and that was for newborn work, which is more expensive. If I were you, I'd do $20 tops. Now my rates are $65 a session. People tell me that is extremely reasonable for the type of work that I do. People charge anywhere from 35-400 for a shoot so it is up to you and how comfortable you are with your skill!

"What do I charge" questions are asked here constantly. The answer, in 99% of cases is this: If you have to ask what to charge, you should charge nothing.
Why? Because simply having to ask such a question by default implies your skill and experience base is lacking. That is NOT meant as a put down, it only means you are trying to behave like a professional photographer, … When you are not. No one should be expected to pay while you learn. If your skill and business was at the point to where you SHOULD charge, then you would know what to charge without asking people on such a forum as this. Another point, when you take money, you are in essence a "business" and any and all forms of lawsuits or violations can be brought against you. Will it likely happen, probably not, but the possibility is there, and in a place like NYC, I would say the odds of problems happening are greater than they would be shooting in a park in small town middle America. For now, just look at this as one of many learning experieces. Do it for free, enjoy the shoot, and don't be concerned with expecting payment at this point in time.