How much should I charge for this photo shoot?

Alright, so I'm in no way a professional photographer. But, I do take really good qualities pictures. My cousin has a friend who is having a quiencianera party, and she wants me to be the photographer. I'm taking up to 900 pictures with a Nikon D3000.So, she asked me how much I should charge.

Well I would ask them how much they are willing to pay. Because you're not a professional and its your cousins friend, I would suggest anywhere from $50-$150.

First of all, 900 photos is Way overshooting. 250 should be an upper limit.
Secondly if you are good, there's no reason for you to charge less than an other photographer with your same skills, but more experience should charge.
Do some research and find out what local photographers charge to cover a quiencianera party and what the people get for that price. I would suggest that you provide NO more that what is normally provided and if you want, charge half the price just to ease your concience, but in reality, if you can do the job, your age has nothing to do with what you charge.
If that were true, some of the 60 and 70 year old photographers would be making $10, 000 a day. What you charge has got to be based upon your skills and ability to provide what a client wants on demand and you should be able to do that with 1/4 the projected 900 images you mentioned.