Nikon SLR Cameras

Which one is best Nikon or Canon digital camera?


Which one is best Nikon or Canon digital camera?


Canon. Because the pixels in a Nikon are square and a Canon has octagonal pixels so sharper image and higher quality.


That's a 40 year old debate. Either one.


You will have to 1) visit the Nikon and Canon websites and see which cameras fit your budget and have the features you need and 2) after deciding on a couple of those camera models, visit this website to see how their sensors compare ( ) Samples from two of the most popular entry level cameras. 3) visit a proper camera shop and hold those cameras in your hands.


For inexpensive compact cameras under $300 - Canon.
For more expensive cameras - either brand is good.
For DSLRs - Nikon


It depends what you wanna do! Personally, I'm a Canon guy. I like videography, and Canon makes the best DSLRs for video. They're very good at photo as well… But I think Nikon wins when you look at the more expensive DSLRs. I've only used a Nikon DSLR a few times though, so I don't know if my opinion counts, haha. If I had to choose one overall though… Based on all the Cameras the company makes, I think Canon has great options.

John P
John P

Both are excellent brands, and in certain cuircumstances one particular model from one or other brand one might perform better than a similar model from the other brand, but ony marginally so. You should also consider Sony, another excellent brand.

So thjere is no cut and dried answer to your question, just as there would not be if you were comparing Ford and Vauxhall cars.


For dSLR's, they're the same. For compact point-and-shoot cameras, if you want the technological prowess of Nikon's dSLR's then you would be better of with a Sony.