Nikon SLR Cameras

Which of these DSLR cameras is better?

livin life well
livin life well

I'm a beginner photographer and I need a DSLR camera. I only have a compact with really good macro, and it takes really nice pics but I would like to upgrade. Which of these would you recommend? I'm a little new with cameras so I don't know much about them.

And if you have a camera that you really like what would you recommend?

Jim A
Jim A

You get that word "better" out of your vocabulary when it comes to these cameras because there's no better or no worse. All these dslr cameras are excellent.

It so happens I own a Rebel XS, among others, and it is excellent. I've had mine for almost two years and I'm getting exactly the results I'd hoped for.

Actually there's a "better".It applies to your camera skills and what you know and can do with one of these.


In terms of specs the D3100 is the superior camera.
The Rebel XS is limited in it's ISO and at this point I would probably not purchase it because of that. The newer cameras have a whole lot more capability for low light than the XS. You will probably feel the pinch of the XS much quicker than the D3100.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

I'd go with the D3100, but only because I'm a long time Nikon man. Don't listen to people who tell you Nikon / Canon are better. Both make quality cameras.
Go to a store that sells all three like Best Buy, and then hold each one in your hands. Then choose the one that feels right to you. Then buy it off of amazon if you want.