Nikon SLR Cameras

Which is better: Nikon or Canon?


Okay, I want to get into photography. I don't have a camera though, what's better: Nikon or Canon? Also, what are some good things I could take pictures of? And what do I need to know to get into photography?


Canon. And you could take pictures of anything! Say you wanted to take a picture of a brick you could put the camera in macro mode and take a picture close up. You don't really need to know anything so you can start now

George Y
George Y


We could all shout out our favorites. (full disclosure: I shoot Nikon and have for decades)

But the true answer is like asking which is the better car or shoes. Those are decisions that you need to make for yourself. Mustang vs Camaro, Nike vs Adidas, you get the idea.

Both Nikon and Canon make entry level DSLR's for the novice like yourself that are fully capable of professional quality images. They are both equally easy to learn and are gateways into the vast Nikon and Canon systems.

As your skills, interests, and needs grow, you'll find the lenses you've accumulated can move up with you. I've used my Nikon mount lenses from my 35mm film days through 4 different models and levels of Nikon DSLRs. You can do the same with Canon.

Bottomline: handle both cameras (within your current price range, of course) and see how they feel. In a camera shop, take them for a "test drive". If you can borrow both from friends, or handle them in their presence. Be aware that camera shop employees DO get perks for selling certain models and brands. (I used to work in a camera store and reaped my rewards from my sales)

See which cameras feel just right in your hands and which menus and controls don't get in your way. The Canon T3i and the Nikon D3200 are great places to start, and they both have siblings up the capability and price ladder, if you feel the need.

The big thing is support and system. Pentax is currently undergoing some major economic upheavals. Sony is abandoning the DSLR market for transparent mirror and EVIL technology, both rarely used by professionals. Canon & Nikon have the support, system, history, and variety to suit the serious photographer.

National Geographic, NASA, and all your local news sources use either Nikon or Canon. There's a reason for that. (and no, we don't get the equipment for free)


Do you know how many times this type of question gets asked about which Camera Manufacture or Camera Model is better or recommended far too often which I've said this many times before and I'll say this once again.

It comes down to personal preference where some may like how Nikon feels in their hands or how the layout of the Nikon Cameras are. Vice Verse on Canon Cameras.

Nikon fans would be saying to get Nikon. Same thing with Canon Fans where they would be saying to get Canon.

So otherwise it all comes down to personal preference.


For what purpose?

At what level?

That asked, both Nikon and Canon make excellent cameras, so the better one will be the one you pick that bests suites your needs.

Just the fact that you ask what are good things for you to photograph tells us that you are not ready for any of the dSLR camera sold by Nikon and Canon

Look here for a good Nikon or Canon P&S camera


I'd take Pentax over either, some people have sworn by Olympus for longer than you've been alive and Sony (successors to Minolta) also have their adherents.

Sony's SLTs take better video, Olympus four-thirds are smaller and lighter, but generally all do the same job, and, 'Better,' is in the eyes of the advertisers.

If you only know two manufacturers, you aren't ready for a DSLR, and you deserve a Benq.