Nikon SLR Cameras

Which is better Nikon or Canon? - 1


I want to buy a digital camera and i don't know what is the best brand for me as a beginner, Nikon or canon?


My Nikon camera is so good and so easy to use considering all the buttons on it


Performance - nothing to choose between them

Only way is to try both and buy the one you like best.

Tried a friends camera recently. Lack of ISO and White balance button and excessively prominent "Set" button on his Nikon D5100 made me glad I went Canon.


There's no real difference between the two. It comes down to personal preferences. Also if you know others close to you that have one brand or the other.


Totally even. Most people i know like Canon, minus my photo teacher and my dearest friend and i. We're all Nikon people. Ask your friends. If most have Canons, you might be able to borrow their lenses = I'd go Canon. How the Camera feels in your hands is another thing. I went held different models on Nikon and Canon first to get the feel, i just liked Nikon better in my hands.


Really can't tell much which is better. You should not look at the brand itself. Look for the camera fall within your budget and compare to each other in terms of spec and features. Just pick the one is value for your $$$, you pay for what you should get. Not paying for the brand, and you get only limited features. Quality wise, you can't expect a digital camera can shoot better picture. Both Nikon and Canon are top camera brand. So more or less is the same. Go try it yourself, figure it out which camera you like the most. As far as I know, canon is ease to use suit for beginners.

If you are not sure, you can always check with this page for review.


Both r great


Both or good cameras, but the real competition between them comes with the DSLRs. Even though people look at really these two "main" options when purchasing a DSLR, there are still other good cameras, too. I heard that Sony has really good DSLRs, some even say that they are better than a Canon DSLR (DO NOT TAKE MY ADVICE OF THIS, THIS IS JUST WHAT I'VE HEARD SOME PEOPLE SAY). But really, when it gets down to these two, Canon and Nikon, it's all up to which you prefer. I prefer Canon because I'm confident with their GREAT quality in their cameras and such. I simply like the way the DSLR cameras by Canon look and feel in the hand and the easy functionality of them. To me they look good and have great quality! Two in one. Whenever I use a Nikon, it feels downgraded from a Canon. It feels cheaper and just, I don't know. That's just me. But then again, they are both really good camera! Some professionals use Nikon, and others use Canon! I've played with an expensive Nikon DSLR that was over $1, 000, but it seemed like it had too many buttons on it! Too many functions for me! It's all up to which one is better for you.


BriaR complaint "Lack of ISO and White balance button" is non-issue ISO and white balance are not changed that often in a shooting session, but the focus points are, and with the Canon you have to press a special button before changing focus points, what's up with that?

watch this video


Both are great. What important is how you compose and set your camera properly.
having high-end camera is useless if you don't know how to compose and shoot your subject.