Nikon SLR Cameras

Which is better a Nikon or Canon?


Which camera is better Nikon or Canon? Cause I guess some people say Nikon is better and others say Canon is better. Which one do you think takes good pictures?


Depends on the camera itself, but i prefer Nikon.


They are both awesome, although if you are pro photographer you go nikon… Specs are greater…


If i had to choose between Nikon and Cannon i would choose nikon.


Choose for yourself.

They're equally good; some people like Coke other like Pepsi and it's much the same deal with Canon and Nikon.


It's the photographer, not the camera.

It doesn't matter whether you use Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Olympus, Sony, Fujifilm or a dozen others.

If you only know two brands and think one of them will turn you into a pro, you'd better stick to a pink, 'Hello Kitty,' camera - it's about all you could master.

deep blue2
deep blue2

Neither - they are both capable of taking quality images when used by someone who knows what they are doing, as are Sony, Pentax, Olympus.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

I can take post card quality photos with my friend's $130 Oylmpus point & shoot.
Good pictures are the result of having an eye for photography.
In the same price range, Nikon / Canon cameras are just about equal. One or the other may have different features.


You did not name a specific model. But we're fortunate in our area to have a camera/shop that only sells Canon cameras. They have a 16x20 print of a brick wall and you can see the sharpness Over all, I was amazed at the sharpness of "ALL" the Canon cameras. And that's the end of that story.

Your question is impossible to answer if you are referring to Canon & Nikon DSLR cameras. DSLR=Digital single lens reflex cameras. These cameras are very expensive, especially when you add in the cost of other lenses you need for specific purposes like, a macro, or long tele, or really wide angle.

It is a personal choice whether you go with the Nikon System or the Canon. I have been a Canon user all my life and recently changed to Pentax because I like the viewing screen and movable focusing screen better than the other two. But that is my preference. There are many who disagree with me. AIl again I say Nikon or Canon? It is a personal choice, not a quality choice that we can direct you to. But that said you should be happy with the quality of either as long as you make more than just 4x6 prints. I'm referring to 11x14's and 16x20's. If you are not interested in big prints forget a DSLR!


And yet another Nikon vs. Canon question. Probably one of the most often questions asked daily on this forum.

I'd go with Nikon. But others like Canon.

Who knew?




Both are good cameras…