Nikon SLR Cameras

Which camera brand is better? - 1


Nikon, Canon, or Kodak?

Added (1). And, whichever one is best, I want to know which camera is best: little digital camera and the bigger fancier ones that cost a lot.


Canon is better overall, Nikon has better zooms than canon

Dr. Iblis
Dr. Iblis

Kodak sucks

Canon and Nikon are pretty much equals

little digital cameras have no where near the capacity to create as good images as full DSLR camera.


Kodak is way under par on this one for sure. As for Canon vs Nikon, it all comes down to user preference. Your best best in all honesty is to go into your local camera store and try them both for yourself. See which one you personally like best, which one feels better in your hands and which one has better placed controls for you. Then buy it and enjoy it.


Nikon and Canon both are the best camera brand…