Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon or Canon-which camera brand is better?


Which camera brand is better? I'm looking for a good camera to use for HQ photos and/or video.
Which brand do you think is worth the money?


I like Nikon, but I'm biased because I have a D40 and nothing Canon related. The D40 works out for me because the color is nice and it's a small camera. But I'm pretty sure you could find an equal in Canon. They are almost the same.


Which ever camera has the better specs and interface that you like best. The question is broad so the answer is broad.


The answer to this is the one that fits your hands the best. For the most part, Nikon and Canon are equal when it comes to quality. Both are worth the money.
I've been a Nikon man since 1986. But I can say nothing negative about Canon. Many pros shoot with Canon, as well as Nikon.


I think its nikon but new canon cameras are but bad.


It depends at what level your talking about, at the full frame sensor top end level then Nikon has the better sensors, Canon is old technology and it's beginning to show and are more clunky to use with poorer ergonomics.

At entry level neither are the best, both have poor build quality at this level, Nikon's have serious limitations in functions and Canon are really plasticky. Both carry the Canikon tax on every new lens you buy if you want image stabilisation. Pentax offer all metal chassis at this level, and have all the functions you will ever need, image stabilisation is built into the camera any lens you fit is image stabilised even 30 year old one which all still work as designed. But the Pentax video function leaves a lot to be desired.

It's all swings and roundabouts.


They would be equal in quality if you match up each ones $700, $900, and $1200 cameras etc. I'm a Nikon guy.