Where do i trade my canon in for a nikon?

Its a canon rebel 500d
websites or local stores would be great

Why would you want to?
If your Canon can't do it, a Nikon won't be any help. If you need a new camera, upgrade your Canon, or spend some time learning how to get the best out of it.

Barter? Try craigslist.com.

Most trade In's are like for like IE canon for canon That's where the biggest pay back comes from!
What you could do is to try and get them to give you some money of your bright and shiny new Nikon and remember it will not be any thing like its value!
As asked before It makes us wonder about the thinking behind your question as both canon and Nikon are good cameras.
It may not be the camera that is not taking the pictures you want but your self!
Why not spend some money and time taking a good photography course or join a photography club!
You may be amazed at what your canon can really do when you have gained some more know how!