Nikon SLR Cameras

What's better? A Canon or a Nikon Camera?


Any differences? Or what's better?


This question is asked about 78, 000 times everyday.

Nikon, Pentax, Sony, Olympus, Canon blah blah blah all make great cameras.

You need to tell us your budget…

Alex Avig
Alex Avig



You won't be able to tell which camera a picture was made with or whether it was done with a Pentax or a Fuji.
Nikon and Canon get their followers like football teams do.
There isn't a best. There's what suits you best.
I've won 11 local photo comps with a cheap 1970s Ilford Sportsman compact 35mm camera bought from a charity shop.
Well, three of them now actually.
The pics were put in month after month just to get one over on the posh brand freaks talking about the latest Canons and Nikons and Pentaxes.
Those old cameras were perfectly capable of producing good 10 x12 prints with care in processing the film.
I make all my own developers and I made an enlarger but I have a Durst enlarger as well.
I also still use an Exacta with a lovely 20mm Flektogon and an old 135mm Sonnar, the standard 50mm Tessar and Pancolor lenses and a whole load of close up stuff like tube and bellows, lens reversal ring, microscope adapter etc.
No batteries, it's all mechanical and has a shutter speeded from 12 seconds - 1/1000th.
It can still produce top quality pictures.
Here's a typical one about cameras.
All the fancy talk about posh modern cameras when any half decent camera from 50 years ago can do the job easy.including those old Sportsman compact cameras.
Plenty of camera buffs around in the world, but where are the photographers haha?


Anyone who asks this question deserves a Benq - and I wouldn't give one of those to my worst enemy.

There's no real difference between Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony or Olympus - but too many people are too thick to see that, or maybe they quote two manufacturers because they can't count higher than that.


Both are equally good. My favorite is Canon.