What would be a good dlsr for photography?

Hi I'm 15 and love out side and animal/ birds photography I have a good idea on cameras and love it, I was hoping to buy a new camera soon for around 800 not shore tho if there's anything good for that price. I would like a nikon or canon but sony camera sound like there really good. If any one could suggest that would be great I really want to get the best for how much I want pay cheers

Check out the models from Nikon, Canon & Sony that you want to buy that are in your budget. Add Pentax & Olympus to the list too if you want.
Go to a camera store & ask to try them out. Check for menu choices, button position, general 'feel' & weight. Buy the one that YOU like.
All manufacturers produce similar models at similar price points - there's no one 'best' manufacturer. People on here will recommend what they use, but that might no suit YOU.
The only caveat I would add to that is that I wouldn't buy a Sony, purely because it is the only make that has a non-standard hotshoe size (& I work with flash a lot). If this doesn't bother you then that's fine.

All current dSLR's do an excellent job
If you are going to shoot action, wildlife or sports, you need a camera like a Nikon or Canon with an optical viewfinder. The Sony SLR cameras use an electronic viewfinder which by nature causes lag from what is happening and what the viewfinder shows the photographer.
Look at the Nikon D5200 and Canon T4i/650D. They are the latest iteration of those systems entry dSLR cameras
NOTE: Shooting birds and animals will require longer lenses, so you will have to increase your budget to include a 70-300 mm lens, an additional $800 or so.
This is something that first time buyers of dSLR's neglect to include in their budgets, the other lenses they will need to shoot the subjects the like to explore.

Any entry level DSLR from the major brands like Canon or Nikon. The Canon T3 or Nikon D3200 are both EXCELLENT entry level DSLRs. For wildlife photography (birds and the likes) you'll need a decent telephoto lens.
The kit lens that comes wiht most entry level DSLRs will be pretty useless for the type of photography you want to do so try and get a two lens kit like this one:
CANON T3 W/18-55 IS + 55-250
It's just a smidgen over your budget but it. A good combo for someone starting.sure, the lenses aren't great but you'll get plenty of us eout of them before you really hit their imitations.
I have a SIGMA 70-300 lens that I HATE but it was only like 300$ and the reason I hate it is because I've gotten used to shooting with 2500$ lenses (Canon 70-200 f2.8 for example).

Check out Nikon D3100 kit
and Canon T3 Kit.

My mom bought me my first slr camera when I was 15 and it was a nikon d3000, I'm almost 18 now and still shoot with that same camera and it has been so good to me! Nikon has upgraded my camera with the d3200 and I'm sure its amazing too! If you're just starting off with photography I think an $800 camera is a bit pricey and may be to advanced. I can do lot with mine and it was only 400. I'm published on Italian Vogue and many other sites with my basic entry level camera! Check out my work?