Would this equipment be good for sports photography?

I have a Nikon D3s and am shopping for a new lens. Would my camera and a AF-S NIKKOR
70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II lens w/ a 2x teleconverter be a good match up to do sports (mainly horse jumping) photography? I wouldn't use the teleconverter all the time, only when I shoot at stadiums. Let me know, Thanks!
Added (1). Caoedhen: I was thinking about the 80-400 VR, but it does not have very good reviews and I heard that it was very slow. Rumor is that they are coming out with a new 80-400mm in 2011, so I'll look in to that when it comes out.

A D3s with a 70-200 2.8 and 2x teleconverter becomes a D3s with a 140-400 4. Teleconverters take up a stop or more of light. They are not useful if you need speed. The 2.8 is fine but putting a teleconverter on it will make it useless.

Let's put it this way… If you can't do it with that combo, just give up and find a new hobby.
Actually most shooters would use the 1.4x converter instead of the 2x, but that's up to you. You don't get quite as much reach, but you only lose 1 stop in the process. Converters are a compromise, only you can decide how much you wish to give up in the way of image quality and shutter speed.
If you really need that much reach, you should be looking at the 80-400 VR, or something like the 400mm f/4. Or the Tamron 200-400, or the Sigma 170-500.
EDIT: Applepocolypse is guessing… The 2x converter would actually give you a 400mm f/5.6 (2 stops, the 1.4x would be a 280mm f/4) but it most certainly does NOT make the 70-200 VR useless. Image quality is still very good with that lens, just not as good as without the converter.
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