Nikon SLR Cameras

What would be a good camera for me? - 2


I need a new camera, and I was wondering (based on my needs) what the best camera would be?

- Reasonable Price
- Lots of features, but easy to understand
- User friendly
- Digital

My friend has a nikon (I think… ) and it looked pretty much like your basic, black, kinda cool looking camera, and it had cool functionality. If you know kinda what I'm saying, I want something like that. I want to start doing more with photography, but I want to figure it out on my own.


I would recommend that you look at the Canon EOS 600D and the EOS 60D.

Have a play with them in the shop to gauge how easy it is to get to various features and their functionality.

Also you can work out how it fits in the hand and how much they cost compared to your budget.