Nikon SLR Cameras

What type of Nikon is this?


Someone recently let me have their Canon camera & often people ask what kind of camera I use & when I say Canon they say "I know but what kind?" So how do I find out? Is it on the camera somewhere?


Yes, on your left from the shooting position, or the right (away from the hand-grip) with the camera facing you.


If it uses film it is a film camera. If it has a rangefinder, where you view your picture area through a window on top or near the top of your lens, it is called a rangefinder.
If the camera has no rangefinder and you look through the "taking lens" you have a "single lens reflex" or "SLR" for short.

If the camera uses a memory card and not film is it simply a "digital camera".

If you have a digital camera where you look through the lens like the "SLR" described above it is
called a Digital Single Lens Reflex or DSLR for short!

If you described how you take pictures with this camera and whether if uses film or a memory card would have helped us a lot!


You ask about a Nikon camera in your lead question and then only talk about Canon cameras.

Which is it?

Each dSLR camera has its model number listed on the front of the camera. P&S cameras have the model number on the bottom next to the serial number or on its top. Some Canon P&S cameras list the model number on their fronts

Here is a Nikon dSLR


If all else fails, look at your user manual


Every camera should have a model number on it; both on the front panel and usually on the serial number label on the camera bottom.