What type of memory card does the nikon d90 have?

This may seem stupid, but I'm trying to buy an sdhc memory card for my new nikon d90 and didn't know if it had to be a certain kind of sdhc. Some run more expensive than others and I wanted to make sure I bought the correct one.

Any SDHC card will work.
I suggest you buy a couple of 4 gb cards instead of one 8 gb. Why? That way you will not be tempted to wait too long to copy all the image files to your computer. This should be done at the end of each days shooting. Once the image files are safely on the computer, format the card using the format feature on the D90.
Carry the second, freshly formatted card as a backup, in case you happen to fill it before you can get to your computer

I use a 16 gb class 10 card. Class 10 is how fast the file can be written to the card. But Carry a back up cause things happen. I file in jpeg fine and NEF(raw) so after 600 to 700 pics my card is full.
You can get one off of ebay for $25+.
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