What should i charge for a event photography?

Its my first event job/I'm not a Professional/ I have done lots of portrait photography/ I have a nikon d 5100 lens 24-75mm and a speed light nissin mark II di622.
The events are either at lunch time or in the evening. I would be needed for an hour each time. The meetings are usually in Eastbourne but sometimes in hailsham or Bexhill. The pics would be used in the newspaper, in magazines, leaflets and website.
Can anyone help me? Uk only please.
Added (1). Ol and I live in eastbourne so would I ask for a travelling costs to be covered? What about hour rate? What about images? Should I ask for it separately?

Call around other photographers in your area as a potential client. Ask for their prices for the type of events you are doing. Then you will know the price range the market will pay in your area. It also depends on what you are giving them. Selling prints, selling asome photos on a CD of all the photos on a CD. What to you is a good price for the work you are doing so you don't feel underpaid. Is editing involved. Can you shot spot on perfect so little or no editing is needed and use a laptop the same day to burn the client a CD of their photos.