What is the conversion chart for 35mm SLRs to DSLRs?

So I want to buy this camera:
And I asked my mom about it, since she was a professional photographer before. She only worked with 35mm film cameras, so when I showed it to her, she told me it's not a very good lens. I told her the focal and all that changed when they invented DSLRs, but I don't know how much. She told me to get a chart or something that could "convert" the lens to a 35mm film camera (ie like 1:3, 5-5, 6f or 10-30mm to the 35mm equivalent or something)
Also, if it helps the camera will be used mainly for indoor/outdoor video to replace this camera:
It would be helpful to suggest cameras within the same price range if you find that this one is bad!

The J1 uses a CX sensor size. This is a 2.7x crop factor. Thus, if you multiply the focal length by 2.7 you will get the equivalent focal length of a 35mm film camera. Note, it is really the equivalent field of view.
Example, if you have a 20mm focal length on a J1 lens, a 35mm film camera will have the same field of view if the 35mm camera used a 54mm lens. 20 x 2.7 = 54